The LDAP interface can be configured within the backend at Configuration -> LDAP.
See detailed descriptions of the fields in the following (please ask your directory service administrator for the correct values):
Complete URL of the directory service server (e.g. ldap://serverip:port or ldaps://serverip:port)
LDAP Base for users
FQN (fully qualified name, with the path of the directory service users (e.g. dc=domain,dc=com)
LDAP Base for groups
FQN with the path of the directory service groups (e.g. dc=domain,dc=com)
LDAP Group filter
LDAP filter for groups (e.g. (objectClass=posixGroup))
LDAP User filter
LDAP filter for users (e.g. (objectClass=posixAccount))
LDAP user to search with
FQN for the user that VIMP uses to sign in to the LDAP server and search the directory service with (e.g. cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com)
LDAP user password to search withÂ
password of the LDAP user that VIMP uses to sign in to the LDAP server
LDAP attribute used to search the user
attribute that VIMP uses to search for users within the directory service (e.g. uid)
LDAP attribute used to search the member
attribute that VIMP uses to search for users in groups within the directory service (e.g. memberUid)
LDAP timeout
maximum time in seconds that VIMP tries to connect to the directory service server (e.g. 30)
LDAP attribute name for first name
attribute of the first name within the directory service (e.g. givenName)
LDAP attribute name for last name
attribute of the last name within the directory service (e.g. sn)
LDAP attribute name for e-mail
attribute of the e-mail within the directory service (e.g. mail)
LDAP attribute name for city
attribute of the city within the directory service (e.g. l)
LDAP attribute name for country
attribute of the country within the directory service (e.g. c)
You can define up to three directory services (LDAP servers) in total.
In the following find a sample configuration: