We recommend setting up a cron job for the Elasticsearch task that periodically re-initializes the database.
The task responsible for this can be called as follows:
./vimp elasticsearch:index
Important note:
In VIMP versions lower than 6.x, please use the command ./symfony instead of ./vimp in the code above.
It supports the following parameters:
Enables the detailed output.
Performs cleanup of orphaned data within Elasticsearch only (i.e., data that is no longer in VIMP but still exists in Elasticsearch).
Initializes the indexes within the Elasticsearch instance (new) by deleting the old indexes and creating new ones.
Via a cron job the task can be called e.g. like this:
0 4 * * * php -f /path/to/vimp/vimp -- elasticsearch:index >> /path/to/vimp/log/elasticsearch-indexing.log 2>&1
Important note:
In VIMP versions lower than 6.x, please use the command /symfony instead of /vimp in the code above.