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How do I set up the ElasticSearch connection?

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Editions: Corporate, Ultimate
Versions: 5.1.0+

We assume that you have already installed and configured ElasticSearch.


VIMP Configuration:

In the next step, just enter your ElasticSearch data in the VIMP configuration:


Backend -> Configuration -> ElasticSearch

  • ElasticSearch Index Prefix
    Unique prefix that will be prepended to all VIMP indexes (default: vimp).
  • User name
    The user must have permission to manage the previously defined indexes.
  • Password
    Password of the user specified above.
  • ElasticSearch server address
    The server address of the ElasticSearch instance to be connected (e.g. for local installation on the same server).
  • ElasticSearch port
    The server port on which ElasticSearch is accessible (default: 9200).
  • Use SSL
    Check this option if you want to establish the ElasticSearch connection via SSL (certificate required).
  • Verify SSL
    Enable this option if you want to allow only verified connections.
  • Timeout
    Limit for the timeout for requests to the ElasticSearch server (default: 10 seconds).

Initialize index:

Next, the ElasticSearch index must be initialized.

To do this, first ensure that the Administrator role has permission to access ElasticSearch:

Backend -> Roles & Permissions -> Administator -> Edit

Check the "access backend elasticsearch" permission and save the selection.

Then switch to the new backend menu item

Backend -> ElasticSearch

First, we test if the connection to ElasticSearch is working correctly by clicking the "Test server connection" button.

If this is the case, then we trigger indexing by clicking the "Reindex ElasticSearch" button.

Once indexing is complete, all searches will be performed using ElasticSearch instead of the built-in database.

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